Friday, February 3, 2012

Do You Make Any of These Mistakes?

image by DandyDanny

Read the following article concerning teens and technology.

In your reply to this blog post state what you think about teens and technology use.  Are the mistakes mentioned in this article accurately represented?  Are there other more common mistakes you see?


  1. I think teens make a lot of mistakes often. All of the mistakes in the article are very accurate, forgetting to log out is a very common mistake that I make. Another common mistake I make is losing my electronics.

  2. When I read the article I wasn't too surprised. I know a lot of people that have made those mistakes, they are quite common. I don't think I ever log off my Facebook at home. None of these mistakes came to me as a shocker. With all the new technology these mistakes come by every so often. We definitely need to be more careful with technology. I've heard of all these mistakes and one or two of them have happened to me or a friend.

  3. After reading this article, I wasn't shocked at all. Sometimes teens can be a little careless while using their technology. These mistakes are very common, but I think that the most common is forgetting to log out. I know many people, including myself, have made some of these errors. These are very accurate and I think we need to pay a little more attention to what we are doing, while using our technology.

  4. As I read the article, I realized that these mistakes are very common with teens. We tend to be in a rush and forget about the importance of the little things with technology. We don't realize how easy it is for us to make mistakes with these different types of technology. Once we realize that we have lost a phone or sent an e-mail wrongly, it makes us stop and think of why we were so careless in a way, to do so. These mistakes are very common with teens and I know some people that this has happened to. It completely changes the way the do things on line and it made them a more responsible person. The bad part is that they had to go through the consequences of their mistake, to make them more careful.

  5. I think a lot of teens make these mistakes. Luckily we have teachers and parents to point them out for us. I know I make a lot of these mistakes every day. Especially losing my electronics.

  6. When I was reading this article I was thinking in my head, "Have I ever done this,or has this ever happened to me?" Lots of these things like losing my phone or not logging out has happened to me a lot! I do think this is correct because in the past when I heard my friends say, "where's my phone?" or when I read their post on Facebook and I go, " Wow! Too much information.", It makes me think of this article now. I think other common mistakes are giving people your passwords or pass codes.

  7. The top 5 mistakes teens make with technology are: forgetting to log out, messaging the wrong person, sharing a lot of information about yourself, losing their phone, and talking to strangers online. I see things like this happen all the time online and I try to stay away from it as much as possible.

  8. After I read the article I wasn't surprised at all considering I did 3 of the 5 things on the list. All of the mistakes seem accurate. I know I have probably heard or saw all of these mistakes happening. Other mistakes could be breaking your phone or accidentally unknowingly call a number when you sit down.

  9. I think that lots of teens do make these mistakes. I have made these mistakes many times, too. I have gone to a website, and somebody is already logged in, but I just log them out right away. I also have lost my electronics many times. I think that this article accurately stated the most common mistakes that teens make.

  10. I think that everything mentioned in this article is very true. I often forget to log out of accounts. Also, people tend to share more then they should, and this could make other people think of them in ways they don't usually act. I have also heard about people giving their passwords to other, and that could lead to the same issue as not logging out. They could post things on your account that you don't want to be known for saying.

  11. The top five mistakes teens are making with technology are forgetting to log out, right message but to the wrong person, over sharing, losing track of your phone, and making friends with strangers. When I saw these mistakes I thought of myself. I don't use my phone a lot, and I sometimes forget to log out of this blog page sometimes. Other mistakes some teens make is giving their passwords to their friends who might give it to someone else so don't give away your password.

  12. As I was reading through this article, I was realizing that a lot of this stuff happens or, has happened to me. Some of the things that they listed were: Forgetting to Log Out, Right Message- Wrong Person, Losing track of Your Phone, Oversharing, and Making Friends with Strangers. All of these things are very accurate. Also, quite a few of teens use abbreviated words when they are on Social Media sites.

  13. After reading the top five mistakes that teens make on line, I was not shocked at all. I can easily see these things happening because they happen to me too. I forget to log out of things too, that is my biggest mistake I make. These mistakes happen all the time and that can be a problem. We need to be more careful with what we do and how we do it. With todays technology, people can do various things to you by making these little errors, which is why we need to be more careful and try to stay away from these mistakes. I think we can all relate to these mistakes so let's try to make a change!

  14. Of the five subjects that I read about, only two of them applied to me. I had once sent a text to my aunt, whose name is the same as my mom's. It wasn't a rude text, I had just mixed up the recipient. She sent me a text back, and that was that. I have forgotten to log out a few times, but it's very uncommon. I don't associate myself with any social media sites, so over sharing and making friends with strangers isn't a big issue. Also, I have a phone, but it has usually stayed in my bedroom or my coat pocket.

  15. When I was reading this article I wasn't shocked at all! These mistakes are very common for me and some of my friends too! Especially losing electronics! All of us need to slow down and take our time when using technology because with just a click of a button there could be BIG consequences! These points in the article are very accurate and I totally agree with all of it!

  16. Many of these problems happen to many people. One of the most common things I see is people leaving their profiles up on other people's computers or at school. Mistakes that I don't see very often is phones getting stolen, or people giving their phone number to people they don't know. These happen but not very often. Another thing that happens is sending the text or message to the wrong person. This happens to people but normally it doesn't have any information that could hurt anyone. These are all problems that can and do effect many teens all over the country.

  17. I know lots of these mistakes are very common. I think that all these mistakes can be easily fixed if teens would just slow down and take their time and be safe. By following these simple rules: number one log out; number two put pass codes on their computer, account, and phone. It's easy if teens just take their time.

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  19. All teens face these terrible mishaps. I personally haven't had any of these problems because I am tech savvy. These problems could potentially ruin your social life. Losing electronics is the worst of them all because as a user you have to be responsible for yourself.

  20. It sounds like all the people in the paragraphs had serious problems but I don't think the people I know from school would make mistakes like that. Although I didn't know that you can call your phone company and tell them to suspend your messaging and calling. That was a smart move.Like not to signing out of your Facebook is something I think everyone has done that before.

  21. Now that I think about it, this does happen a lot. I always accidentally text the wrong person because my texting is very picky on who you send it to; it always sends it to the person that last sent me a message. So if I'm texting two people, I could accidentally send it to the wrong person. All of these issues happen a lot, and sometimes it's scary when it happens. I believe that teens do need to use technology, just be extremely careful when you use technology, so none of these mistakes happen, because they could affect you. I also see people abuse technology. Like throwing it around acting like it's junk, and then they're mad when it gets broken.

  22. I see some of these things. Not to the extent of these situations, but the same idea. Even at St. Mary’s this year someone forgot to logout on someones iPad, and they stayed on their Facebook page and posted things. I think some teens will abuse technology and do bad things with it, but on the other hand most teens will use it for good reasons. Technology can be a very good thing and help out in education but can also be very bad. There are pros and cons to technology, people can get into a lot of trouble. Many people won’t recognize what they’re doing until after when other people talk about it

  23. The 5 top mistakes that are made with technology are, forgetting to log out, sharing too much information,messaging the wrong person, losing your phone, and making friends with strangers. I haven't made any of these mistakes because I don't have a phone, and I don't check my email and other things of that sort on the computer. When most teens use technology they can be careless. We should work on being safer with technology.

  24. When I was reading this article about the top 5 technology mistakes I thought about myself and my friends. I'm saying that because those 5 reasons are the most common mistakes that we really don't pay attention to and we should, because if we don't we could get into a whole lot of trouble. The mistakes probably affect many people in today's society, so we should remember these things and hope that we don't get put into trouble.

  25. The mistakes teens are making like forgetting to log out is not that big of a deal. It is a big deal when someone uses it and types comments. I personally haven't made any off these mistake but sometimes these things happen to my friends. I usually just stay away because you can get in a lot of trouble for doing that. The other mistakes I never really hear about.

  26. These mistakes happen a lot around the school because some people forget to log out of their blogger sites. I am positive this happens because we always get calls from people who forget the phone number. Sometimes I send messages to the wrong people and it gets mixed up a lot and then I have to explain it to the person I sent the message to.

  27. This really happens a lot. People mess up and are not smart with their phones, emails, and Facebook accounts. My sister mean to send a text to a friend about her boss and why she was going to quit her job as soon as she got her pay check; but she sent it to her boss. I think a good way a avoiding these problems are to be more careful about your stuff and not to go on to links sent to your email by people you don't know.

  28. I think teens make a lot of mistakes often. All of the mistakes in the article are very accurate. Forgetting to log out is a very common mistake that a lot of people make. Another common mistake that people make is losing their electronics, like their iPod or phone.

  29. While I was reading this I thought to my self, has any of this ever happened to me? Most of the time these kinds of things do not happen to me. Why? Because I am tech savvy. I have kept track of my stuff very well and I usually log out of my accounts regularly. Another thing Is that I never really talk to people on Facebook that I don’t know. The last thing I have to say Is that the right message wrong person has been sent to me before. I personally find It very funny, because you can then mess with them when they’re sending you these messages.

  30. Teens make a lot of mistakes every day and a lot of them are like the ones in the article.
    I forget to logout very frequently and a lot of people I know do too. Another mistake people make is losing their phones.
    I also text the wrong person a lot because often I am in a hurry and don't look at who I am sendng it to. I totally agree with the article.

  31. I find this website pretty accurate. Whenever I go to log in somewhere I usually see someone else signed in already. No big deal right? I just log out and sign in myself, but if the wrong person got ahold of that they could screw with your stuff. I always send the wrong message to the wrong person, but it's mostly because my phone is a touch screen. I never really see oversharing as often as others but I still know that it happens. The one that I found most strange was making friends with strangers; most kids know not to talk to some creeper on the street so why would they do it online? Other than this I found the website accuarte.

  32. I don't talk about my friends behind their back because I want the respect that I give to my friends, and if I did that they wouldn't talk to me ever again. Also don't leave a website without logging out except at my grandparents' apartment. I also never make these mistakes.

  33. These problems occur quite often in the everyday life. On my phone it sometimes types different things that are not what I am meaning to say and it sends messages to a different person.
    I hate when people send you a text or call you and they are from like somewhere random and you have no idea who it is. I think these technology problems occur very often in life. I think some ways to avoid this these would to be slow down and check who your message is sending to and when you get a call from a stranger don't answer.

  34. I think these problems occur a lot in a ordinary life.Teens make a lot of mistakes every day and a lot of them are the ones from the article.
    I forget to logout very often. Another mistake people make is losing their phones. I also text the wrong person a lot because often I am in a hurry and don't look at who I am sendng it to. I agree with this article.

  35. I would never talk about my friends behind their's mean, cruel, and gossiping. I would like to have friends and respect them not make them mad at me. There is one more thing I would like to say to you guys is that you should never leave a website without logging out of it. That could you with a lot of problems, and your friends could or might get mad at you, and maybe they will understand but the point is you need to log off of things.

  36. This is a very interesting article, and it is true. There been many times when I went on the computer, where my sister's friend forgot to log out. I think people do not know what could happen. Another thing that happened was that someone called me, and thought it was some one else. But they did not trust me until they looked at their phone. I think that these are mistakes that happen every day. It is good to know that you can prevent this.

  37. I totally think this blog has a point. There have been many times even at school where I want to log in to something, like my blog or my Engrade, and somebody else is still logged in. I also lose my phone quite a lot. I mean a person didn't steal it, I just lost it. When I first got my phone they told us we had free texting for a year. It turns out I only had 500 free texts, and I racked up a bill of 600 dollars. People make mistakes like this every day all over the world, and I think it is good to know that it could be prevented.
