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The President of the United States delivered his 3rd State of the Union Address on Jan. 24th.
- Read the transcript, watch, or listen to the Address.
- You can also watch the speech with fact checks on this NY Times site.
- The White House published an "enhanced" video which includes some visuals to complement the content of President Obama's key points.
In the comment section please state two topics President Obama addressed that you understand and (in your own words) explain what he had to say about them.
Two topics that president Obama talked about were education and technology. These stood out to me a lot because this is what our school is working on a lot and other schools should be working more on. For education that made me really happy was his comment on how he said he wants to make it that high school students cannot drop out of school unless they were 18 or if they weren't 18 they would have to graduate. In our times now there are lots of kids dropping out of high school thinking that they're ready for the world but it turns out they really aren't. I want our country to be smart and all of us to be successful! The other topic of technology was brought up with the famous Steve Jobs. Practically the face of technology! The world is changing everyday. One of my teachers talked about how when she was our age, her school had a huge room with like 3 computers that took up a monitor room and a small class room. Only the special computers people who had permission to go in there to use them. The class could not believe her. Now days we have Ipads, Ipods, and Tablets at the tip of our fingers we can go on the internet. Technology needs to be taught to us children because we have all these things now and we are the future that depends on us!
ReplyDeleteIn this State of the Union Address President Obama presented some great ideas and some huge problems. One of the things I really picked up on was the story about Bryan Ritterby. He was making furniture later got laid off, he was concerned that no one would give him another shot at employment. He later got a job at Energetx and is proud of it. President Obama was extremely proud of Bryan and his hope.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing The President emphasized was exporting more than we import. This plays an important part in our countries economy, especially when China is raising its cost to export goods out of their country. I think this is a great plan to reduce our counties debt. The ideas and problems shared at this years Presidential State of the Union Address will be crucial to the future of our country.
In the State of the Union address president Obama stated that many Americans don't have jobs but there are many spots to fill. The reason they don't have the jobs is that they don't have the skills. He mentioned a woman who was laid off but got a job in the energy department. He wanted every American to have this experience. He also stated schools education. He said teacher who are the best in their school should be rewarded and those who don't help the students learn don't deserve to be there. He also proposed a bill that states kids can't leave high school until they have their degree or turn 18. He is making these decisions for a brighter future for our country.
ReplyDeleteIn this years State of the Union Address, President Obama addressed many issues. One thing he mentioned was letting teachers know that they are doing a good job, and that we are thankful for what they do. He said that instead of putting them down, we should give them what they need to continue teaching, and reward the best ones.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing that was mentioned was the state of the auto industry. When President Obama took office, the auto industry was about to crash. Some wanted to let it die, but he wouldn't let it. He rebuilt it to what it is today. By doing this he also supplied more jobs to unemployed people. These topics and many others are important to our country, and should not be taken lightly. We need to make America the best place to live as possible.
In President Obama's State of the Union Address he talked a lot about education. He said that we need to raise the standards of learning. He also said that we need to get more people that like teaching in the school systems and replace the ones who aren't helping students learn. What really stood out to me is that he wants to make it so that students won't be able to drop out of high school unless they are 18 years old. If they are not 18 they will have to drop out. With this, it will help our country be more successful.
ReplyDeleteObama also addressed veterans.Veterans are very important. He said that we need to serve them just like they served us. They do so much for our country and we need to help them out. We need to care for them because they matter. They fight for us so we need to fight for them.
In President Obama's State of the Union Address, he addressed many issues. One of the issues that I understood was teachers matter. He stated that teachers are very important and that they can make a difference in kids' lives. That we should reward the best ones and replace the ones who aren't helping kids learn.
ReplyDeleteAnother issue was college. After high school, lots of kids want to go off to college. Many of them cannot afford to. President Obama wants colleges to work hard to try to lower the prices of tuition, and try to re-design courses so that they finish faster, or use better technology. The point is, it is important that students have a better education in college instead of not having the choice to go there because they don't have enough money.
Two of the things President Obama said in the State of the Union were about oil and natural gas, and new building projects in America. He said that we need to supply ourselves, not have others do that for us, with oil and gas that will last us a century. He also said that with the money we are no longer spending on the Iraq War we will use to help pay off our debt and the rest to build up our nation. But he stated that he needs our support to help build the stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhen Obama was making his speech in the State of the Union he highlighted the subject of jobs being lost. He talked about how millions of jobs were lost within the past years but, we have also gained about three-million jobs. He discussed how we need more America manufacturing because it costs more to keep getting products and such from other areas such as China. He stated that America is a more productive country.
ReplyDeleteAnother topic that President Obama covered in the State of the Union speech was taxes. He talked about how the United Stated has one of the highest tax rates and that shouldn't be. He thinks that if you are a manufacturer and you are helping create jobs here in America you should get a tax cut. He brought up that if you are moving your business overseas and not creating more jobs in America, why should you get a tax deduction?
In the State of the Union by President Barack Obama, he talked about jobs. Companies are traveleling overseas to avoid paying taxes. Obama suggested that those companies get taxed more and the companies that stay here should be taxed less. The automotive company GM was failing. The government saved the company and payed it money, because if it didn't a lot of Americans would lose their jobs.
ReplyDeleteA second thing President Obama mentioned is energy. Oil will not last us forever. There is enough natural energy in America that can last us 10 years. There should be new jobs that can find and make energy.
In the State of the Union speech President Obama addressed many issues. Here are two that I thought were very important topics. In this speech President Obama spoke about American manufacturing and how it's getting expensive to do business with different countries like China. Many people have been working hard to bring others together to rebuild our auto industry. WE have brought back over 100,000 jobs and today General Motors is the worlds number one auto maker. We are still far away from only using American made products but we are still working hard to bring back jobs to millions.
ReplyDeleteMr. President also adressed the issue of Iran. We use to be a divided nation; each nation not knowing what they wanted to do with the situation, but now everbody is on the same side. America is doing everything in their power to prevent Iran from gettin nuclear weapons. President Obama does believe that a peaceful resolution is possible and that Iran can rejoin the united nations once again.
In President Obama's State of the Union address he talked about balancing the scale between rich and the rest of America. He stated that the rich, people earning more than 1 million dollars a year, should pay a tax rate of at least 30 percent and not receive tax deductions on certain categories.
ReplyDeleteAnother topic he talked about was the economy. he said that technology moved us up the ladder with higher paying jobs, for some Americans. However, technology has also taken left some jobs out of the business world. "We will not go back to an economy weakened by outsourcing, bad debt, and phony financial profits." stated Obama.
In the State of the Union Address, two topics that President Obama covered were education and energy. These two stood out to me the most, because I can really understand their importance. I liked how he said that students shouldn't be able to drop out until they are 18. I feel like that would be an awesome thing to require, because more teenagers would stay in school past then, and go to college. Therefore, they would do better. Obama also talked about how important a good teacher is. They can really help children to go above and beyond.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama talked about how we cannot totally rely on oil, because there is not an infinite amount. We need a resource that will give us many new jobs, but will not be harmful to the earth. It should not cost so much either. Obama said, "We don't have to choose between our environment and our economy". We need a natural energy.
In this State of The Union, President Obama talked about a lot of things. One of the most important things I believed he talked about was manufacturing. He said that we need to start manufacturing more things in America. We need to stop getting things from China, because it's more expensive. Having all of these companies in America will create more jobs, too. American car companies are back on top, and Master Lock is back in the states.
ReplyDeleteHe also talked about trained workers for these jobs. Many people of America are jobless. When we bring these companies back to America, we need people to work for them. So why not have the 14 million people who don't have jobs in America work for these companies? They're not trained to work in these companies. President Obama is working with community colleges on plans to train these people.
In this State of the Union Address President Obama presented some good ideas some problems. One thing I really got in to was the story about Bryan Ritterby. He was making furniture later got laid off, he was concerned that no one would give him another shot at employment. He later got a job at Energetx and is proud of it. President Obama was extremely proud of Bryan.
ReplyDeleteWhen President Obama took office, the auto industry was about to crash. Some wanted to let it go, but he wouldn't let it. He rebuilt it to what it is today. By doing this he also supplied more jobs to unemployed people. These topics and many others are important to our country, and should not be taken.
In president Obama's speech he addressed the situation in the Middle East. Basically Mr. Obama said the situation in the Middle East has drastically improved. He said that Some countries that were huge threats to the USA are no longer. Another topic he addressed was the one in Iran. What he basically said was that the leaders in Iran are shrinking their power. He also said that America is determined to make sure Iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon in their hands.
ReplyDeleteObama addressed that the auto industry was about to go out of business but Obama didn't let that happen. he talked about all the jobs at stake and said he would not let it die because the American auto industry provides many many jobs for the citizens of the United States. Obama also talked about education. He put forward a plan to keep children in school until they graduate from high school or turn 18. He has a plan that if the children are educated they can provide for the future generations of jobs and businesses in the United States to keep them moving forward. He also proposed that the teachers get paid more and teach more about creativity and passion
ReplyDeleteIn President Obama's speech to the people of the United States he addresses affordable higher education. He talked about how it is now a necessity not a luxury to go to collage and get a degree. A fact he used was America has more school debt than credit card debt. He wants to pass a bill that will stop putting as much debt on students that graduate. A second topic that was brought up is oil and natural gas. He talked about making an all of the above plan that uses all of our options for energy. America has enough natural gas to last 100 years. If we use this and develop clean energy to power things we will be able to make more jobs for the people that need them.
ReplyDeleteWhen Obama made his speech he talked about job loss. He addressed the issue that millions of people over the past couple years have been losing their jobs. He also brought up that it costs more to get things made in different countries. Obama said that if America would manufacture more goods we'd have more money. Another issue Obama brought up was college. Many students want to go to college. The issue with that is the expenses. Many students can't afford college because the prices of tuition are very high. Obama feels that if more colleges lowered their fees, more students would be able to get a good education.
ReplyDeleteTwo topics in the State of The Union I understood the most were military spending and oil and natural gas. Over the last three years the workers of the oil and natural gas plants have opened acres of land for oil and gas. He also stated that oil production had hit its highest in the past 8 years. He said that we have a supply that would last Americans over 100 years. He said he is making all companies that drill for gas on public lands to disclose the chemicals they use. And also the development of natural gas will create more jobs. Obama proposed a new military defense that will keep us one step ahead of our rivals. He said that our country is running because of our women and men in uniform that protect it. We are to serve them as well as they served us when they began to start coming home and give them the things they need.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama discussed many different topics during his State of the Union. One topic I understood very clearly was "Fairness in Foreign Trade". He talked about how America has its business's selling goods all over the world. He also talked about online piracy, and how countries overseas are making it difficult for American companies to sell products. He announced the creation of an organization that will be investigating unfair trading practises in countries such as China. He ended with saying that Congress will not let any counterfeit goods cross our borders that threaten American based companies.
ReplyDeleteAnother topic Mr. Obama talked about was "Oil and Natural Gases". He said that oil production is currently at the highest it's ever been in eight years. Also,in 2010, America relied on foreign oil less than it has in sixteen years. He proclaimed that we need a strategy that is cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs. Yet, we have enough natural gas to last America one hundred years. One of the last topics he touched base on was that drilling companies on public land will not use any chemicals, so that they don't put the lives of other fellow americans at risk.
In the State of the Union President Obama gives a speech about many topics. One, being the situation in the middle east. He was saying that it was a lot better and we don't need barely any troops over there anymore but we will still be working on keeping nuclear bombs out of their hands.
ReplyDeleteHe also talked about the Auto Industry was about to go bankrupt and a lot of people didn't care but he did. He made it to what it is today. By doing that, he also gave many thousands jobs which is another problem in America, so that help a lot. Those were two of many subjects that Obama talked about.
President Obama covered many things in the State of the Union address, one thing he mentioned was that He is very happy with the teachers and how they’re educating children. He wants to keep the good teachers on the job, and get the bad ones off the job. Obama believes that a good teacher can increase a classrooms income by $250,000. He thinks some teachers are speaking to the test, and not to the student. He wishes to replace teachers who do that.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing Obama covered in his speech was fairness in foreign trade. Obama wishes to make it easier to sell products to other countries. He set a goal of doubling U.S. exports over 5 years, he claims they are on track to meet that, if not closer. Hopes are that there will be millions new customers in Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. More inspections will be used to prevent unsafe good crossing our border.
President Obama's speech had many topics that are very interesting. The war in Iraq ended with success, after pulling troops. He said 10,000 troops have come home and that 23,000 more will be home by the summer. He also talked about meeting some of the troops that came home, and that we will build a partnership with Afghanistan. Another topic was education, he talked about wanting to make college more affordable. He also wants every state to require students to stay in school until they turn eighteen. His speech was very interesting and informs people like me about the state of the U.S.
ReplyDeletePresident Obama delivered his speech on Tuesday night about the State of the Union and he was asking for reelection. He mostly talked about taxes, the economy, and manufacturing. He says the war in Iraq ended on a good note and he says we need to keep the American Dream alive that if we work hard we can own our houses, raise a family, send our kids to college, and put some money in for retirement. He also talked about opening markets with American products to sell in different countries. He ended his speech by saying: "Each time I look at that flag, I'm reminded that our destiny is stitched together like those 50 stars and those 13 stripes. No one built this country on their own. This nation is great because we built it together. This nation is great because we worked as a team."
ReplyDeleteI understand the economic challenge and recovery. The US was losing many jobs because of new tech which was replacing the workers. The people who wanted to stop this never had the power to stop it and as a result it became a disaster, but recently there have been more jobs. Infrastructure projects is another thing I understand that half of the money we used for the wars will be going to construction.
ReplyDeleteWhen President Obama was delivering his speech about the State of the Union, he talked about money and Politics. Last year the state of the economy didn't come from different events, it came from the debate over in Washington. The debate was over whether people in the United Sates should pay their bills or not. Obama said that some of this reasoning has come from money and politics, and we should change that. Another thing that was mentioned in his speech was education. He talked about this because, he is convinced almost every state in the US should raise their teaching and learning standards. He knows that a good teacher can increase the livelihood of students in and out of the classroom.
ReplyDeleteOur President, Mr. Obama, discussed many topics in his State of the Union address.The first topic he talked about was how he will cut down on Military spending. While speaking about this topic he talked about making cuts in spending, but still remaining the best military in the world. He also spoke about stoping threats such as cyber-threats. One other thing he talked about was creating jobs for Veterans as firefighters and police men and women. Another topic I understood was, Clean Energy. He spoke about natural gas and shale gas and that they don't give profits right away, so some people have no job. He also said that because of our relation with the private sector, we are on course to be the leading manufacturers of high-tech batteries.
ReplyDeleteIn Obama's speech he addressed the problem that teachers keep getting laid off because schools can't pay them. He also said that kids keep dropping out of high school and I don't know how he's going to stop it because all of the kids that drop out are bullied, bored, and/or hate school. President Obama also talked about how colleges keep raising tuition every year. Students will be in debt when they get out of collage because they had to get these big student loans. He said the way he would stop raising tuition would to take colleges money from tax payers if they don't lower the tuition. P.S. I don't think President Obama can stop teenagers from dropping out of high school because he can't stop kids from bullying or from hating school.
ReplyDeleteIn the State of the Union President Obama talked about many topics but one of the topics I understood the most was when he talked about not buying products from China. There are many cons about importing products from China. it costs a lot to import products from China. If we buy products from America it would give many people jobs too. Another topic he talked about was our use of oil. Oil some day will run out so we shouldn't rely on it too much because when it's gone we can't make any more. It is also a hazard to the environment when oil spills.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I found interesting was how Obama talked about better education for students. I agree with this because I think we need to be a little more focused on the education schools are giving insteaed of how the learning enviorment seems or instead of how our schools look nice and appeal to other people. Another topic I found was when he talked about the situation in the Middle East about how big of a threat that they are the U.S and that they have a lot of dangerous weapons that they have access to and that we need to get more troops over to the Middle East so that we can destroy this threat.
ReplyDeleteIn the State of the Union Obama talked about many topics but there were some topics that stood out to me. Here is one of them; use of oil. Someday oil will run out so we shouldn't keep on relying on oil and once
ReplyDeleteit is gone we can't use oil anymore. Oil is also very dangerous for the environment when the oil spills. The second one is importing products.
First of all it is expensive to import from other countries and we should be able to make or our own things and not rely on other countries to give us products.
If we don't import as much and instead make our own products our country may become richer, and supply many more jobs
In the State of the Union President Obama addressed many topics, but these two topics stood out to me the most.
ReplyDeleteThe first was education. President Obama talked about giving the schools a deal for keeping the good teacher, and in return the school would receive the the tools to let kids be creative.
The other one was about clean energy. I thought this was important because new ways of creating energy can open jobs for people starving for work, and maybe we can stop pollution.
Obama Talked about many topics in the State of the Union but here are the ones I chose to talk about.
ReplyDelete1. Education: President Obama talked about how he wants to the school to be granted supplies for the kids so that they can be creative and learn better. He also suggested keeping the good teachers around for better school learning as a whole.
2. One more topic was clean energy. He talked about creating energy to create jobs. We can open up job opportunities and save the earth by using clean energy.
One of the big things he talked about was all the jobs that were not out there for awhile now, but he said that there's a lot more jobs in America. He also talked about education and how teachers are losing their jobs. Another thing that is bad is that a lot of people can't get jobs and become homeless. This is just a little about his speech. There is a lot more. I just talked about jobs.