Thursday, January 19, 2012

Internet Censorship?

image by IsaacMao
Recently in the news much is being reported concerning Internet restrictions and protecting the rights of those who have created material; movies, music, etc. 
Below are comments written by our 8th grade students concerning this issue - specifically the SOPA and PIPA proposals.


  1. SOPA stands for Stop Online Privacy Act and PIPA stands for Protect IP Act. These two bills were written because of the multiple websites that not only allow but help the act of stealing videos, songs, pictures, etc. Many artists and companies wish for these websites to be banned because they are losing well earned money well companies like Google don’t want these websites banned because they would then be losing profit as well.

    I understand both sides of the story. First to understand you must put yourself in their shoes. Singers and songwriters are not only losing money. They are getting stolen from. This is against the law and is unfair. On the other hand Google and other websites would also lose money too, but they wouldn't be getting stolen from. I believe that both sides should come to some sort of agreement that would benefit both sides.

  2. The SOPA and the FIFA are bills that stop the problems of foregin - based websites that sell movies, music and other products. The federal law is in control of shutting down websites that contain pirated movies or other products.

    I think that these resrictions are necessary because I dont think that it is fair that they have to block different adverstisements from foregin sights. I say that because that they have the rights to do that, its a free counrty. I dont think that affects me because i am not an advertiser and I dont sell things.

  3. SOPA is an act that protects consumers and innovators by finding websites that have access or information to stolen products. SOPA stand for Stop Online Piracy Act. One of the websites that SOPA will not harm is Wikipedia. This act makes it harder for these people to continue to give consumers illegal products that are coming from their sites. This bill was brought up because some of the most profitable and productive industries are being interrupted by illegal sites. PIPA stand for Protect Intellectual Property Act. Both of these acts stand for the same reason of protecting foreign-based websites selling pirated products.
    I think that these restrictions are necessary even though it might not be what I want. I do think we need to protect other’s property and make sure they aren’t getting these stolen from them. Even though, this would mean I wouldn’t be able to use any of the illegal music downloading websites. These websites allow me to download music for free and it is very easy to use. These type of websites are used my many people including me, but, I still agree we should have restrictions.

  4. The House of Representatives has backed away from a strong bill known as SOPA. But the battle between copyright holders and free speech isn't over. The Senate will write up its version of the legislation next week.

    SOPA along with the bill called PIPA seeks to backup websites that are less difficult. The legislation involves the following topics: copyright laws, free speech and the Internet.

    SOPA means to Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA means to Protect Intellectual Property Act.
    The two bills target the websites that use the Internet for two things. Helping people transfer copyrighted content or selling goods.

  5. SOPA is an anti-piracy bill working its way through congress. It is a House Bill; Where PIPA is a Senate Bill. PIPA does NOT require search engines, whereas SOPA does require one. SOPA stands for, Stop Online Piracy Act. PIPA stands for, Protect Intellectual Property Act. Both are similar on the outside but different in the “guts” of the bill. These bills were written to protect videos, music, pictures, and etc.
    Even though I do NOT get the details in the whole SOPA and PIPA situation, I do know that this could be good, but it might not be. It just depends on what point of you look at it from. It would somewhat put a stop to piracy but for example; Wikipedia is trusted by a lot of teachers at school and they say it’s very reliable. But other people say it’s full of lies and untrue information. People can just copy and paste a lot of false information but then they are taking from a site that is full of piracy. I do think it is necessary because many song artists are losing profit because the public is basically stealing their songs and/or pictures and not getting caught for their act in crime. So PIPA and SOPA could potentially hurt the entire Internet and web. The whole thing is still kind of confusing me so forgive me if this doesn’t make a ton of sense!

  6. Rep. Lamar Smith (Republican, Texas) introduced SOPA (Stop Online Privacy Act) along with a group of 12 bipartisan co-sponsors. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy along with 11 co-sponsors from both parties introduced PIPA (Product Intellectual Property Act). Both bills gained supporters until December of 2011 when protests against them became more public. They both want to boycott websites that are involved with online piracy.
    I think these restrictions are necessary. People shouldn’t be allowed to do this! Sure, it’s convenient, but not fair to the people who have put so much effort into their work. How will it affect me? If I ever get stupid enough to want to ever download music or movies illegally, I wont be able to if these bills play out. I hope they do because the people whose property is getting pirated deserve justice. The internet is an amazing thing, but it shouldn’t be abuses like this.

  7. SOPA stands for Stop Online Privacy Act and PIPA stands for Protect IP Act. These two bills were written because of the multiple websites that not only allow but help the stealing videos, songs,and pictures. Many artists and companies wish for these websites to be taken down because they are losing a lot money, websites like Google don’t want these websites banned because they would then be losing profit.

    I think that both of these are necessary because I dont think that it is fair that they have to block different adverstisements from foregin sights. I dont think that affects me because i am not an advertiser and I dont steal online.

  8. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. This bill was proposed by the House of Representatives. This is their version of PIPA. PIPA stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. The senate was scheduled to hold a vote on to whether or not take up the bill. The House Judiciary Committee Chairman stated, "It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves." (

    I think that this is much needed, even though I may not want it to happen. Protecting others information from being stolen is an important issue. They have the right to be able to post their own information on the internet and not have it stolen. Some websites are used by people all over the world and having restrictions would prevent them from using them, but protecting other's ideas is very important.

  9. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. PIPA stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. These bills want to stop people from downloading illegally or getting pirated music or movies. The House of Representatives has backed away from these bills for now.

    I'm not sure what I think about these bills. I understand that people shouldn't be allowed to download stuff illegally, but these websites are helpful to people like me who just want to listen to music without buying it.

  10. SOPA is an acyonym for Stop Online Piracy Act. Pipa is an acronym for Protect Intellectual Property Act. These acts try to protect against pirated media. The pirate bay is a website where people can download illegal movies and video games. They are trying to stop companies from sponsoring the websites. Google blacked out its logo on wenesday to protest against this act. Wikipedia was closed for about 24 hours.
    I think this is not necessary. People will always find a way to get things free. The government should inform them so they will know the effort that went in to it.

  11. The SOPA (stop online piracy act) and PIPA (protect intellectual property act) are basically to stop all the file sharing online. Both the SOPA and PIPA are trying to protect the work the creators of either music, movies, or anything else has done. It would mean the artists would make much more money because people would have to buy there stuff and not go download it. To make sure they make money for the work they do. This act if it goes through it would for the most part put an end to people stealing music, pictures, and movies off of different websites. This would affect sites like Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia, therefore they are against the bill.

    Both sides have a good argument, on side says I don’t want my stuff getting stolen because that’s my work I deserve the money and credit for it. Which i totally agree, if that was how I made my money to live and make it through I would be for this bill too. I would be very upset if things i should be making money for got stolen! On the other side, how many times a week do you just go to Google to make a quick search? I know I do lots. I would like to still be able to do that and get the best information and information that I know is correct. I think some of the stuff in the bill is necessary ,but not all of it.

  12. The senate and house of representatives has had less support for the new bills of SOPA and PIPA. SOPA stands for Stop Internet Piracy Act. PIPA means Protect Intellectual Property Act. these bills are trying to support copyright laws for movies, music, TV shows, ect. They want to shut down illegal downloaded sights from helping people download free things without paying the creator.

    I don't think is the best idea. The thought behind the bills is great. The creator of the items should get his due for creating it. If this bill is passed people will find loop-holes to still get things free. Technology is moving to fast and people will always try to get free things. This bill will probably stop many sights, but many more will probably be created.

  13. Internet censorship has been in the news a lot lately. SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act that protects consumers from foreign websites that traffic stolen and counterfeit products. While PIPA is the Protect IP Act is a proposed law that gives the U.S. government and copyright holders more protection.

    I think that its a good idea but maybe its going too far because it affects many websites that I commonly use. Although I think it will be necessary to come up with someway to protect the consumer I think its going too far.

  14. SOPA stands for the Stop Internet Piracy Act, and PIPA is the Protect Intellectual Property Act. These two bills were created to propose that those websites containing pirated movies, music and other things like it should be censored.

    I understand why this could be an issue for those who use the material illegally, but it's very helpful to people like me who just want to listen to music without having to buy it

  15. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act it would help expand the ability of the U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking of copyrighted property. PIPA is the Protect IP Act that also helps to give government more online power. PIPA is developed to help stop copyrighted media, news and music and SOPA is targeting websites that contribute to piracy.

    I Like the SOPA and PIPA acts because they are helping stop piracy and copyrighting, but there are some flaws to it too. People can find ways around the bill to get something for free because the internet is a very powerful technology that can be use wrongly. They are protecting what people are working hard on and what they put money and time into.

  16. The S.O.P.A stands for Stop Internet Piracy Act and the P.I.P.A. stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. Both of these bills are trying to help copyright laws because people aren't getting paid for what they have done. The government is trying to shut down all of those websites.

    I don't think it's the greatest idea. People will still find loop-holes to still have free movies or songs. Plus the government doesn't know who is doing it. Plus F.B.I. haven't been able to stop nit so why would a bill that senators have singed and agreed on.

  17. Internet censorship is just wrong to say the least. Restricting what you put on the internet would be a huge blow to many companies like Wikipedia. The S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A laws are anti piracy laws congress has suggested. S.O.P.A stand for stop internet piracy act and P.I.P.A stand for protect intellectual property act. To oppose these bills Wikipedia and Google shut down to oppose these bills. Congress has now posponded these bills.

  18. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act, and PIPA stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. These are 2 bills could be put into effect, because of websites that help people steal things like videos, songs and more. This is something the government is trying to stop. So far, it looks like PIPA has more support than SOPA does.

    I understand that this is a problem, because it is not okay for people to illegally use things they find online, but I also don't totally see what the big deal is as long as you're not calling it your own work. Like for me, I don't get why it's so bad to get a song for free instead of paying for it on iTunes, when it's the same song.

  19. SOPA and PIPA are bills that stop piracy, copyright, stealing from websites, and plagiarism. Videos, pictures, and songs are being stolen from websites that are going to other websites and being called their own. The House of Representatives has decided to delay their votes but will vote soon. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. PIPA stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act.

  20. Going around in news today are some bills called SOPA and PIPA. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. PIPA stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. SOPA and PIPA have been brought up because 2 bills are trying to be passed. These bills are trying to get rid of the problem from websites and people that are trying to sell pirated movies, music, etc.This would save the media that has lost so much money from people illegally showing and selling others movies, music, etc.

    My opinion on this is that this would be a great idea to pass this law but it also has downsides that could be a change that most of us don't want. Wikipedia I don't usually use because it isn't very dependable because others can edit and put what ever they want on there. Somethings like Youtube with downloading the song and being able to put it on your computer (which you have to keep in mind you're not buying the song) is something I think is wrong and should be stopped unless it's used for educational purposes. There is the question of knowing how do they know whether it's being used for educationalpurposes usage? (cut out usage)That is the downside to it. I say it's up to Congress to decided what they think is the right way to handle this situation.

  21. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a bill that U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith made. The bill would give the U.S. law more enforcement on internet piracy. The Protect IP Act (PIPA) is like SOPA, it helps fight piracy and protect internet users.

    I understand that getting movies for free is wrong but instead of getting the people who get them for free they should get the people who put them out there for free. For songs, I think that is really shouldn't be illegal for people who are smart not wanting to spend money.

  22. Pipa stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. Sopa stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. Both of these bills were proposed recently. These bills were made to stop online piracy of music, movies, and other information. Big name sites like Google, and Wikipedia were affected. For the most part I agree with both of these bills but there is still a lot of grey area in this matter.

  23. PIPA stands for protect IP act and SOPA stands for stop online privacy act. Both of these acts stand for the same thing. These bills where written mainly because documents, music, videos and much more were being stolen on numerous websites. This made many companies and people upset because they were losing money. I think they should have these bills. It may not concern me but I think putting the bills out would make a lot of people happier and it isn't right that they are being stolen from. Companies like Google would lose money but being stolen from is a lot worse.

  24. The SOPA (stop online piracy act) and PIPA (protect intellectual property act) are basically to stop all the file sharing online. Both the SOPA and PIPA are trying to protect the work the creators of either music, movies, or anything else they have done. It would mean the artists would make much more money because people would have to buy their stuff and not go download it. This act if it goes through, would for the most part put an end to people stealing music, pictures, and movies off of different websites. This would affect sites like Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia, therefore they are against the bill.

    Both sides have a good argument, one side says, ‘I don’t want my stuff getting stolen because that’s my work I deserve the money and credit for it.’ Which i totally agree. If that was how I made my money to live and make it through I would be for this bill too. I would be very upset if things I should be making money for got stolen! On the other side, how many times a week do you just go to Google to make a quick search? I know I do lots. I would like to still be able to do that and get the best information and information that I know is correct. I think some of the stuff in the bill is necessary ,but not all of it.

  25. S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A. are bills that go against plagiarism. S.O.P.A stands for Stop online privacy act and P.I.P.A stands for Protect intellectual property act. P.I.P.A. and S.O.P.A. are bills that will sensor Google, Wikipedia, and other sites to stop plagiarism. I am against this bill because there is a lot of valuable information on there that I want to have they cant take it away from us!

  26. S.O.P.A stands for stop online privacy act and P.I.P.A stands for protect intellectual property act. S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A are bills that will censor off many websites to stop people from plagiarizing. I am sort for the bill because we need some stuff to learn about but we shouldn't plagiarize.

  27. S.O.P.A. stands for "Stop Online Piracy Act" and P.I.P.A. stands for "Protect IP Act". Each of these bills target online burglary, and prevent users from getting at information and items that aren't theirs. These two bills mainly target overseas websites however, such as "The Pirate Bay" and "MegaUpload".

    These restrictions are necessary, but it mainly depends on the side you are on. For the people that are commiting piracy, and using these sites, they don't see this as a good cause. Yet the people that put that stuff on the internet are glad that these actions are being taken, because now they don't have to worry about anyone stealing their possesions.

  28. SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) are both acronyms for two bills that are being decided if they should be laws or not against online piracy. Both these bills are trying to protect songwriters and the like, from being stolen from over the internet.

    I am leaning more towards the side for the bills, because it is wrong to steal, even though that would mean that we would not be able to get free stuff online (songs, movies, etc.). On the other hand, it is nice to get free stuff since you don't want to spend any money.

  29. The S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A bills are essentially meant to stop people from illegally downloading things for free. First of all though, S.O.P.A stands for Stop Online Piracy Act, and P.I.P.A. stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. Good things that they would do would be to block foreign sites that allow Americans to get free illegal downloads. But they would also censor sites like Google, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, and Facebook in order to stop every kind of online plagiarism, even when it is unintended.

    I think that these bills both have good ideas but with flaws. First they would stop sites like Wikipedia which I think is a great website. Also I read in the Wall Street Journal Website that 13% of Americans have used illegal downloads. If we censor the web that 87% that wasn't doing anything against the law many will not have access to those sites for information or just for fun. So although I agree with some parts of the bill I would want these bills to be reconsidered and tweaked before they would be passed.

  30. SOPA stands for Stop Online Privacy Act and PIPA stands for Protect intellectual Property Act. These bills are an attempt at stopping the piracy of music,movies,and many more. All of this happens on the internet you're using right now. These websites that supply the music and movies are calling them their own. I am for the bill because I'm tired of people stealing and thinking nothing of it.

  31. P.I.P.A means Protect Intellectual Property Act and S.O.P.A stands for Stop Online Privacy Act.Both of those acts stop sites from plagiarizing people's stuff. I agree partly with this act, because you could not knowingly plagiarize and get in trouble, but it would also stop those who plagiarize on purpose.

  32. S.O.P.A stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. That means that sights and programs such as Limewire and Installous could cease to exist. P.I.P.A stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. They both protect the rights of music and movie makers. My opinion on the laws is that if I were a movie or music maker I'm sure I'd love a bill like this, but I am not so my opinion on this is pretty neutral because I don't download music illegally or down load movies illegally so this bill really has no affect on my family or me.

  33. The SOPA and PIPA bills are trying to help stop people from illegally downloading items from the internet for free. SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA stands for Protect Intellectual Property Act. Some good things that these bills would do would be to block sites that allow people to download files for free. But some bad parts about the bills is that they would censor sites like Google, Wikipedia and Facebook in order to stop plagiarism. I think these bills are okay because they help stop plagiarism but people can still find flaws in the bills.

  34. I think the SOPA and PIPA bills are good to have because you should have to pay for what you need or want. In other words it's not fair when a person copyrights a DVD and then sells it illegally to make money when someone else that had made that movie or DVD worked hard to get it out to consumers. It's like if someone were to steal money out of a cash register in plain site and then casually walk out of the store with all the money.

  35. SOPA (which stands for Stop Online Privacy Act) and PIPA (meaning Protect Intellectual Property Act) are bills that are trying to keep you from copywriting, copying, stealing, and downloading free things from the internet without permission. I think these acts are good because we should be honest and give credit to the ones with the original ideas. Like Brady stated in an earlier post " If I were a movie or music maker I'm sure I'd love a bill like this" I totally agree with his statement. I think they should pursue with this topic.

  36. The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a bill that U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith made. The bill would give the U.S. law more enforcement on internet piracy. The Protect IP Act (PIPA) is like SOPA, it helps fight piracy and protect internet users.

    I understand that getting movies for free is wrong but instead of getting the people who get them for free they should get the people who put them out there for free. For songs, I think that is really shouldn't be illegal for people who are smart not wanting to spend money.

  37. SOPA stands for Stop Online piracy Act which means stop viraces and spam. PIPA stands for Protect IP Act which means to protect its useres and members.
