To do:
1. Research the difference between the New Hampshire Primary and the Iowa Caucus
2. Save your resources in your Diigo library.
3. Write a paragraph describing the difference between the two events.
4. Write another paragraph giving your opinion about this process in electing the president of the United States.
The difference between a Caucus and a Primary is simple. A Primary is a state-wide vote where everyone casts a secret ballot for the representative of their choice. A Caucus however, is a gathering of people to discuss and debate about the politicians, and to try and convince others to vote for them. A Primary doesn't contain any sort of discussion.
ReplyDeleteA big difference between the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire primary is time commitment. In a primary you can come in and vote and leave when you want to. Caucuses are usually longer and people who attend are expected to stay. Usually more people go to primaries, rather than caucuses, because of the time commitment.
ReplyDeleteIn a primary, the voters are the ones who chose the winners. In a caucus an appointed leader will choose who wins. Each state has either a caucus or a primary. There are two types of primarys;an open and a closed. Open primarys let voters vote for anyone. Closed primarys let voters vote for people only in their own party.
What is the difference between a caucus and a primary? The main difference is that in a caucus the voting is more public. Voting is often done by raising hands or dividing into specific candidate groups and discussing what they like about that candidate to try to persuade others why they should vote for that candidate. They are allowed to speak openly about what candidate they would like to win. Usually, only registered voters can participate in caucuses because they can only have a say in the caucus that includes their party. While in a primary, the voting is a lot like the general election; they have secret ballots. There are two types of primaries: In an open primary, all registered voters can vote for any candidate. If you’re a registered Republican, you can vote for a Democrat. If you’re a registered Democrat, you can vote for a Republican. In a closed primary, you can only vote for candidates in your party.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a mediocre way in deciding who will be a candidate for president. I understand that all of the candidates want to campaign and share their ideas, and I still think they should do that. I think all the voting and stuff (other than the general election) is very unnecessary, though. I mean, isn’t that what the general election is for? It seems that politics cause so much stress for so many people. I think that if candidates just campaigned and then we did one general election, it would be easier and cause a whole lot less stress. Maybe if there are too many candidates, the government could decide a way to narrow it down.
In the New Hampshire Primary is basically an election where people vote for who they want to win. They don't discuss with their friends who they are going to vote for or try to convince other people to vote for someone. In a caucus, everybody meets in a room and goes to different corners of a room or under banners according to who they are supporting. They can try to convince people to vote for the same person that they are voting for. Then they take a head count of how many people are in each section.
ReplyDeleteI think that both of these voting ways work fine. I would probably rather vote in a primary than a caucus because it is quicker and easier to do. The caucus is smart too though because if you didnt know who to vote for you could listen to pros and cons of each person when other people are trying to get you to vote for the person they are voting for. I think that both of these ways of voting work and each has there own advantages and disadvantages.
There are some of the same things between the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. Also some differences. The Iowa caucus isn’t as official as the New Hampshire primary. The Iowa caucus is more of a show of hands and for people to see who might become the new elective for president. The New Hampshire primary is more official and it will directly affect who the elective for the presidential election. The New Hampshire primary is usually held one week after the Iowa caucus.
ReplyDeleteI think that the process of selecting the next president is good. I believe that there has to be a long process because it matters if we have the right person at president. With the long process it shows really what each candidates can do for us. It shows that they know what they’re doing. I think it’s a good thing that there are some events that are freer for the people like the Iowa caucus which is structured for more debate about things. Then there is the more structured events such as the New Hampshire primary which will affect who runs for president.
A Caucus is a meeting where people get together to talk about the candidates. A Primary is an election where people vote for who they want to win.
ReplyDeleteI think this process with the Caucus and Primary is a good step of finding candidates. I also think it helps to get the people in the flow of the Presidential election. Without these two steps people wouldn't know much about the any of the candidates.
There are many differences between a caucus and a primary, the main difference is a caucus is a meeting, where people get together and discuss things. A primary is an election. A primary election is different then a general election, because people decide who they want to vote for in a certain party.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is really necessary, because its kind of a waste of time. Also because it wastes time as well as resources. Lastly because if you would vote for them now, you would vote for them then.
The difference between a caucus and a primary, is that a primary is where people come and vote. There is no discussion or chance to share your opinion with others. In a caucus the participants gather and discuss why you should vote for a certain candidate. Usually someone who is supporting a candidate will speek publicly to those who are not sure who to vote for. Voting does not have to be included.
ReplyDeleteI think that both ways are a good way of deciding. In a primary, people get to be more private, and don't have to tell anyone who they voted for. But in a caucus, those who don't know who they want, can decide by listening to others talk. So, I think that if you knew who you were going to vote for, a primary would be the best. But if you were unsure, a caucus would be very helpful.
So... What is the difference between a Caucus and a Primary? Well the easiest way to describe it in my terms is that a Primary is the first in a series of nationwide political party primary elections. Primary elections are generally when each political party decides its nominee for the upcoming general election.. A Caucus is a meeting of members of a political party or a subgroup to nominate candidates for various offices. In a caucus the party members gather together for face-to-face meetings in each precinct. Different caucuses operate differently. At each precinct the voters gather into "preference groups" and then try to convince others to join their group. As for the primary, only a few are chosen it is important that everyone hears there different opinions. There are two types of primaries, closed and open. In a closed primary, voters may vote only in the primary of the political party in which they registered. It is done by people walking into an election booth and casting a vote. Whereas the caucus isn’t necessarily a “vote.” It is more of meeting where people can rally and share their opinions about each candidate.
ReplyDeleteI personally think it is a good idea to hold Caucus’s and Primary’s. I think it helps the candidates with choosing if they should keep going on to run for president or drop out if they are not doing well. It makes a lot of sense to me to do this, because if someone isn’t doing well they most likely won’t keep succeeding as they continue in the race. The National Conventions also helps determine who is going to be a vice president candidate. The General Election is what really helps the candidate’s campaign through the country. They tell people what they want to do to make our country a better place. In the Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors, based on each state's total number of representation in Congress. Each elector gets one electoral vote. I think that’s fair because California is a fairly large state so they get about 54, but Rhode Island is very small so they only get about 4 electoral votes. If I were to look into this situation I’m sure my opinion would change a bit. Even if it was just on a certain situation.
Many people don’t understand what the difference is between the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucus. The Iowa caucus is where many people get together to share their ideas about the candidate the want to win. Also the Iowa caucus is an all day event, but as for the New Hampshire primary the voters have all day to cast a secret ballot.
ReplyDeleteThese processes of the presidential election are a very smart way of getting things done. The Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary simplify the whole process. Many people view them as a waste of time and money. I view them both as an extremely helpful tools in finding the next leader for our country.
A caucus is the first step in the selection of candidates for the US presidential election. A primary election is an election in which party members or voters select candidates for an election. A caucus is an election to show the most popular candidate and a chance to sell a candidate to someone else so they can vote for them as well. A primary election is the real deal and the winner will then go up against the person elected from the other party or parties.
ReplyDeleteI think this process is to confusing for me. Honestly i don't understand what's going on in politics. I believe that the government should give us the people who are running and we should vote for the one we believe should win without this whole race and speech thing that takes a whole year to do. I believe that the way we elect the president is to complicated for most Americans to understand anyways.
The Iowa caucus is a more lively and out-front type of election, where the New Hampshire Primary is a private vote. In a primary the people walk into different polls and cast a vote by secret ballot. In a caucus the citizens gather for a face-to-face meeting, rather than a private one. A caucus can end up to be very loud and at times can burst into an argument, that isn't so much friendly anymore. This reason is why most states are using primaries instead of a caucus. A caucus can also take several hours, where a primary is just an in and out kind of thing. These are some reasons why the Iowa Caucus is different from the New Hampshire Primary.
ReplyDeleteI think the primary is a better way to elect the representatives , because it is a shorter and faster process. A caucus takes a lot time to sit down and discuss who you would want to represent you. The primary is more convenient because you can just stop in and vote. In the caucus you basically have to be there for a whole day. This is why I think a primary is better than a caucus.
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ReplyDeleteNow that we are getting closer to voting for another president we have to think about things that will help us get to know the candidates better. Most of us watch the news and see who's doing the best or any other news on how the election is turning out to be. The news talks about the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary and they're making it sound like caucuses and primaries are the same. They really aren't the same though. Primaries are very similar to general elections. During the primaries people cast secret ballots at a polling place. When the people vote they often vote for the people that they want to win. The difference between primaries and general voting is that the people vote for a nominee of a particular party. Everyone comes as the please. Caucuses on the other hand are when people come at a scheduled time and place. The people there go in a group of people who want the same person to win and discuss why. They then try to persuade everyone else to vote for them.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion on this is that I think more people should know the differences between these and the media should explain more about it!
A caucus is the selection of candidates for the U.S presidential election. A primary election is an election in which members or voters select candidates for an election. A caucus is an election to show the most popular candidate and a chance to sell a candidate to someone else so they can vote for too. The winner of primary election will then go up against the person elected from the other party or parties.
ReplyDeleteI think the primary is a better way to elect the representatives, because it is a shorter and faster way to do it. A caucus takes a lot time to sit down and discuss things. The primary is more convenient because you can just stop in and vote. In the caucus you basically have to be there for a whole day. This is why I think a primary is better than a caucus
A primary is very much like an election. A primary is where people go to take a secret ballot, they all go to a polling place to place there ballot. These people come to vote on who they want to win. A caucus however is nothing like a primary. The difference between the two is that in a caucus you go to discuss why you want the person to win. You go to a caucus to convince people who you think should win.
ReplyDeleteI think the primary is better. A primary is short and simple, there is no conflict or debate. A caucus you have to sit down and discuss. I think it would be just better to keep your vote to yourself and not tell people. That's why I think a primary is better.
The New Hamshire and Iowa Caucus serve the same purpose: to narrow down candidates for the final presidential election. Although they are somewhat similar, they are also somewhat different. A Caucus is an election where people from a party vote on who they want to run for president in their party. Whereas a Primary is a state-wide election, where all voters can participate. Therefore, a Caucus is a smaller group of people voting, than a Primary, which iincludes all eligible voters, in that specific state.
ReplyDeleteI don't like learning about this stuff, because it is pretty boring and very confusing. Since neither of my parents are very into this stuff, it makes a lot of this stuff new to me. It also makes it even harder to learn about, because I am not interested in these sort of things. Even though I understand why they want to get us involved with what is happening around us, I also think that it is a little too complicated for us to understand completely.
I think primaries should be used, because a person does not have to spend much time there. More people go primaries than caucuses, because with their jobs and kids they do not have a whole lot of extra time. If all the states use primaries there will be more people interested in the government and participating.
ReplyDeleteA primary is an election which people go to to vote for who they want to win. The caucus is a meeting where the voters go to to chat about the upcoming vote or primary. The caucus is the meeting before to discus the vote and the primary is after the caucus and the primary is the actual vote.
ReplyDeleteI think this system of voting is a great plan because the voter have a chance to listen to other voters and make the right choice on desk deign on who to vote for.
A caucus is a meeting of members in a political party or group to tell the members what to do, choose the groups rulers or elect candidates for various offices. The caucus is used by other states to also select presidential nominees
ReplyDeletePrimary elections are generally when each political party decides its nominee for the upcoming general election.
Electing the president shouldn't need all these primaries and caucus. The people should decide for them self and not have other people influence there ideas. It should just be a vote where they vote in booths, because what they say they are supposed to do they usually don't do it
A primary is an election and people vote for who they want to win. It is different from the regular election because, in a primary election they have parties that they vote for who they want to win from that particular party. A caucus is a meeting and people who are voting get in a group and they discuss things. People dont vote in a caucus.
ReplyDeleteI think that the way they decide to elect people is great. I also think that they should maybe use some of the ways that the caucus works and the way that the primamry works. I think that because some people may want to chat about who is being elected from president and that kind of stuff.
The main difference between the two is that a Primary is much more structured. In a caucus is where people can openly state which party they want to vote for. People are usually voted on by a raised hand or separated in to groups. Not all states have a caucus, many more have a primary. A caucus is very close to a convention. People can go around a debate their opinion. In a primary they cast a vote that is closely counted. Another difference is that only people registered for a certain party can go and vote at a caucus. At a primary any person can go and vote at any party's primary. At closed primary only people that are registered with the party can vote.
ReplyDeleteMY opinion on the united states process to pick a president is that it is very confusing. There are so many different kinds of elections and only a few really count to the votes of the feature president. I like that there are many chances for people to have a voice in the nations government. There are debates that they can give a opinion and reasons for people to vote for their choice.
A Caucus and a Primary have many things both in common and not. Both are about the upcoming election, but in a caucus the voters can only vote for the party which they are a part of. Also a caucus is a lot less formal than a primary.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a good system for electing President. It has a good way of narrowing things down, leaving room for people to change their minds. It takes up a lot of time but choosing a President is something very important.
A primary is everyone together voting for a canadidate. A caucas is a certain group of people look at the canadidates and agree on one. An example of a caucas is a catholic group that gathers and looks at the canadidates and narrows it down to one that meets the needs of the group. A primary is everyone has their own voice and there is no discussion between people.
ReplyDeleteI like the Caucasus better because I like to know the pros and cons of the individual and we as a group decide on what is the best for us.
A primary is when everyone together is voting for a new candidate and a caucus is when a certain group of people decide on one candidate. A caucus is you can speak among other people and a primary is when everyone has their own voice. I like the caucus better because I want to know the good and bad things about the candidates.
ReplyDeleteThe main difference in a primary and a caucus is that the primary is much more formal than a caucus. A caucus is really raw, because it's basically a show of hands. All the people get together and choose who they want to vote for. While in a primary it's a secret ballot. Also in a caucus people can speak with others while in a primary people have there own voice. The primary seems more appealing to me because you don't have to tell anyone who your voting for.
ReplyDeleteThe who's, what's,when's,where's, and why's of the Iowa caucus is this.
ReplyDeleteThe who is the Democrats and the Republicans. They are the main participators in this event. The when is now, January 3rd. The where is all 99 counties of Iowa. The why or reason for the Iowa Caucus is so that each person in each party can say what issues they support. The Iowa Caucus is also the first big test in the election. If an individual does well in the Iowa Caucus then they may receive funds from people which would also help in campaigning
A primary is when everyone votes for who they would like to win. A caucus is when people get together and talk about the candidates they would like to get elected. Those are the differences between the caucus and the primary.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a good step in choosing a candidate because everyone can express their feelings and choose who they think will best suite our country. Also I think it helps people get to know more about each candidate and I think it helps people vote more wisely after each candidate has explained and spoke their speech.
A caucus is where people get together and share their opinions. This is more like a meeting because they discuss certain things and talk about why they think these things. A caucus does not have to involve voting. Also, in a caucus people form into groups into which candidate they think is best and try to convince others to support them. A primary on the other hand has more to do with voting. It is an independent state that votes for both democratic and republican. This is part of the process for the presidential election.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts on this whole topic are very blurred. By reading about the different political subjects I have become more aware but, I am still unsure on how most of it works. I would like to excel in my learning through my political education. I think being involved with the world is very important for our age because we may not really know what is going on.
The caucus is more of a debate and persuasive show of hands. A primary is closer to an actual election not a debate. In the caucus people speak for their presidential candidate. In the primary, voters cast secret votes on a ballot and the votes are counted and go towards an idea for the parties to choose there candidate.
ReplyDeleteI think that they are both good ways to elect the president. It is a good way to help people to make the right decisions when they are voting, because it helps them to see the good thing and bad things about the candidates.
A primary is an election that uses ballots to vote and a caucus is voice election. In primaries the ballots get counted and that decides the winner.
ReplyDeleteI think both of these voting ways are good but I personally like using a ballot because it feels more private to vote.
The main difference between a caucus and a primary is that the primary is much more formal. A caucus is much more raw. The caucus is basically a show of hands were every body gets together to decide on a candidate. While in a primary you get to keep your vote secret. Mitt Romney won both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary. He seems to be the choice candidate for the Republican party.
ReplyDeleteA primary is an election that uses ballots to vote and a caucus is basically voting by show of hands. In a caucus everyone gets to decide together on a candidate but in a primary you keep your vote secret. I think both are good but I really like using the primary ballot because it's more private.
ReplyDeleteThe Iowa Caucus is one of the steps in choosing a presidential candidate. This caucus is the first caucus to be held when we elect a president.Those in the caucus this year are Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Buddy Roemer, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. There was a tie between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. There was only a Republican caucus because Obama is Democrat and he will be the candidate for the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteA primary election is just mostly voting for the people you want to win. Any discusion about the topic is held outside of the primary.The primary election is different from the general election because it's where people vote for the nominee of a particular party.
ReplyDeleteA caucus is a program where people get together an discuss anything about the event, there is no voting going on. On many websites they say that a caucus is much more time and harder because everybody gets up and talks about who they want as a canidate.
A primary uses ballots and voting stations where a caucus is a vocal election. Primaries are decided by the one with the most votes. Caucuses are decided by group agreement.
ReplyDeleteI would rather vote at a primary because you get to decide not a group decision.
I read several paragraphs on different websites about the Primary election and a Caucus. A primary is where you go and vote on the spot on who you want to go up at the election. A caucus is where the Democratic and Republicans go and talk about the people they want in the election and they separate into different rooms.
ReplyDeleteOne of the big differences between a caucus and primary is that at a caucus is there is a place you meet. Then you go with your party,and you talk about things you want done. In a primary you just vote ,and not spend time in a building talking about what you want done. But they have one think in common; they are try to choose who they want to run for president. On caucus...primary?
ReplyDeleteThe Iowa Caucus is the first big step taken to select a new President Of The United States. What you do at a caucus is you, meet with your party and talk about things that you want to get done or goals you want to meet. In a primary everybody just votes! They don't spend time in a building talking about what they want to get done, they do it. The one thing they do have in common, is that they both are a step closer to choosing a President.