Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What do you think?

What do you think 21st Century Skills looks like?


  1. I think we will be using many Web 2.0 tools.

  2. I think that it will have lots of financial informatoin for modern times.

  3. I think will will learn a lot more about our government, and the internet and the world around us online. I think we should learn more about facebook and youtube, the sites that kids our age have/will be using. I think it will be cool to make our own blogs

  4. I think we will be using the computers for most of our work.

  5. Well I am very happy that we 8th graders get to take this class. It should be a great way to learn about our government and the growing world around us. I really love that we get to learn stuff that we never learned before ( civics ect.). I think that the 21st Century class looks like learning about new technology. I'm really exited to learn about the wikis because last year i really never knew what we were supossed to do on it. I already have a blog ( www.thesituationrocks.blogspot.com) but i really dont know much about them. After this class i will be able to expand on it. I really want to learn about the econimy because i really get messed up when they talk about the stock market. I really don't know anything about that it would be fun to learn more on that.

  6. I think that it's really cool that we get the option to take this class. I think we will be using the computer for alot of things and doing things with the www. I think 21st Century Skills looks like using all of the awesome and interesting things our world and socety throws at us, also learning to use and deal with these things in the future. I mainly want to learn about new technology which is going to be really fun.

  7. I think that we will learn some about the government, and also finances. I really want to learn about some new technology too. I think this class will help me in the future and help me learn a lot about some key things in life. I'm looking forward to this class, it'll be fun.

  8. I'm hoping this class will help me to learn more about our government, the economy, the new technology coming out, what's it's purpose is, how it can improve our lives and how to use it. I also hope this class will teach me more about the difficult stiuation we are currently facing with our economy, why we are in this perdicament and what we should do about it.

  9. Hi,

    I think 21st Century will be very interesting. I think we will learn to use the internet more effectively. I think this class will be a lot of fun.


  10. I think that is 21st century it will help us use the tools that we will need in the future. I am very glad that we have the chance to learn about 21st Century.

  11. I think that this class will be VERY fun and help us all to be more efficient both in the world of technology and the world of economics

    I know we will all have a good time in this class

  12. I hope this class with will teach me about the future, because when every body is doing stuff this way through all the new computers and stuff we will be right there with them because of this class.

  13. I think we will learn about computer things.

  14. I think we'll new things on the Internet educational wise of course.

  15. I think that we'll learn how to use the internet in appropriate ways, and about how to use it safely.
